Tuesday, May 31, 2011

U.G.L.Y you ain't got no alibi......

  I don't mean any offence, some very stylish people are fans of creepers and Doc Martens  (including one of favourite bloggers of all time Karen)  but i wouldn't even let Prince Charming slip one of those shoes on to my foot.....ever....... even if said Prince Charming was disguised as George Clooney. And i would do almost anything for George Clooney!
The only word that describes these shoesies is the ugly word - ugly. Especially the creepers, frankly i find them creepy.
I may live to eat my words shoes, as Prada have reinvented the creeper for Spring/Summer '11. Who knows they might be all the rage next year and i might succumb (highly unlikely) ahem did someone say fashion victim....who me?....never!!

prada ss '11

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Seriously love this outfit.........the best thing is the bag and scarf are both from Zara. Fair play Olivia, she loves to mix the high street with the high end. 

photo via thevoguediaries

Anyone who has said sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain

                                                                    photo via elle uk

Vanessa Hudgen's take on festival chic at the Coachella festival. If only we could rock up to an Irish music fest like this....stunning. Sadly the Irish weather is never co-operative with our desire to look effortlessly hippyesque while enjoying the music at Electric Picnic or Oxegen.
We must adapt.

Festival chic feast :

the jumpsuit jump

Love them or hate them, the jumpsuit or his little sis the playsuit are back around for summer. Pattern and colour work well on the playsuit but when it comes to the leggier jumpsuit, my view is keep it simple.... presenting the LBJ (little black jumpsuit!!) seen modelled by a myriad of stylish celebs recently including my top 2 style icons Ms Palermo ans Ms Miller....

                                                                   pics from elle uk

If you want to channel Sienna or Olivia you can snap this one up from topshop : 

green with envy

Denim jeans are a staple in every woman's wardrobe yes?! well why not mix it up this summer with a new pair of jeans in your favourite colour.... I'm going green......

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